
  • Homecare?

    By Robert Elmer III on October 10, 2023
    It’s hard for me to do what I do and not be considered “my brothers keeper.” My motives are very simple; look out for caregivers and those they are caring for. When I started serving the families of those with Alzheimer’s dementia over 20 years ago, it was an eye opening experience to say the least. I had no idea […]
  • The Canary in The Coal Mine

    By Robert Elmer III on October 9, 2023
    I have wonderful opportunities to work with families with loved ones with Alzheimer’s dementia. One of the most valuable services I provide them is helping them with understanding what’s happening and why. The first questions I’ll ask is “when did you first notice symptoms?” As Alzheimer’s is a slow progressive disease the changes will initially be very subtle. Forgetting a […]
  • Dealing with Agitation

    By Robert Elmer III on October 9, 2023
    “AGITATION: A condition in which a person is unable to relax or be still. They may be tense and irritable and may be easily annoyed by small things.” Sound familiar? If you’re in the world of a dementia caregiver, you probably could write a book about agitation and the experiences you are having or have had with the loved one […]
  • Driving

    By Robert Elmer III on October 9, 2023
    I recently renewed my Drivers License, and went through the  process of obtaining a Real ID. I guess I get it but having been born here, educated here, served in Viet Nam, married here, fathered two beautiful daughters that were born here, worked and paid taxes here since I was in 8th grade delivering newspapers and have owned my own […]
  • Will You Hurt Me?

    By Robert Elmer III on October 9, 2023
    If you’ve read my book, attended a lecture or training I’ve given or read these articles, you already know that the number one thing your loved one is looking to you for is to feel safe.  One of the biggest challenges you will have with their perception of “safe” is when you change their environment. I knew of a well […]
  • Meaningful Activities

    By Robert Elmer III on April 21, 2021
    Well Spring has sprung or at least it’s trying and the warm weather and the opportunity to get back outside is just around the corner. You don’t need me to tell you that this past year has been one for the ages. At the risk of using an overused phrase, hopefully all of this will soon be in our rear […]
  • Could the Problem Be Pain

    By Robert Elmer III on March 14, 2021
    As one that does a number of lectures on countless topics related to your loved ones with dementia, I have to confess that one of the most popular is the one I do on “Understanding Behaviors.” Today we’re going to drill down on just one of the specific reasons your loved one may be acting or behaving like they are, […]
  • Brain Health and Your Diet

    By Robert Elmer III on February 14, 2021
    I can imagine that the last word you want to hear about in these times of trying to stay loyal to your New Years resolutions is the “D” word or diet. That said, your diet can and does play an important role in brain health. I went to ALZ.org to learn more about diet and brain health and what I […]
  • More on Your Brain Health

    By Robert Elmer III on January 10, 2021
    I couldn’t help but notice that my most recent article on helping you determine what was “Normal Age Related Memory Loss” or dementia related behavior, created a great deal of commentary from my readers. It was all positive and since this is the time that about 50% of the population makes New Year resolutions, I thought it would be appropriate […]
  • So How are YOU Doing?

    By Robert Elmer III on December 13, 2020
    As you might expect, I receive a number of emails related to my work as an Alzheimer’s Care Specialist. Recently, I received a submission from The AARP that provided a quiz to help you to determine whether those senior moments were simply Normal Age Related Memory Loss (NARML) or a possible symptoms of early dementia. There were only 10 questions […]